“Our results speak for themselves. We are not about the latest fad but tried and tested methods that keeps the clients goal front and centre.”

Big Johnny
Superstar Big Johnny dropped a massive 20kg over 10 months by doing regular one-on-one Personal Training, following nutritional advice and hard work - he's looks fantastic. Awesome job!

Superstar Caroline dropped 7kg and 4% overall body fat over 8 weeks. By doing regular solid Group Training 3 to 4 times a week and following our nutritional advice she looks great.

Mel K
Superstar Mel K dropped 7kg and 7% overall body fat over 8 weeks. By group training 4 times a week and by sticking to our nutritional advice she was able to lose the kilos get really fit and look amazing.

Sally-Anne and Sarah
These two Superstars dropped 10kg and 8% overall body fat by doing the 8 week BODYBLITZ CHALLENGE. Heaps of group training, smart eating, persistence and commitment means they are fitter, healthier and look great.

John Van Wisse
Brad provided amazing support for me to help me with my Triathalon and marathon swimming. He worked with my injury prevention strategies, and having weekly massages assisted in the lead up to my gruelling events.